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The Language Education Evaluation and Accreditation Association (DEDAK) will accept the 2024 accreditation applications from English Preparatory Programs within higher education institutions in Turkey between 1-30 November 2023.


Programs that intend to apply should send the fully completed application form with a wet-ink signature to by 30 November 2023 at the latest.


After the application period, the applications will be evaluated in December, and 8 main and 3 alternate programs will be announced, which will be invited to start the DEDAK accreditation process on 8 January 2024 at the latest. The selection of a program will be made in an order that will be formed through a scoring system, which will be formed by considering the fields for which information is requested in the form, such as the number and percentage of students that study in compulsory preparatory programs and readiness.


If one of the main programs withdraws from the process, a substitute program will be included in the process according to the reserve order, or if this is not the case, these programs will be given priority in the next application process.


An information meeting will be held via zoom on Wednesday, November 22, 2023 at 10:30 in order to inform interested programs and answer their questions. You can join the meeting from this link The meeting is open to all interested parties.


You can access information about accreditation fees from this link You can also access documents that can guide your decision to apply, such as the DEDAK accreditation standards, explanations, and institution guidelines, at


You can access the application form from the link below.


DEDAK Accreditation Application Form


The conditions for acceptance into the DEDAK accreditation process for Language Programs are as follows. The conditions for acceptance into the DEDAK accreditation process must have been in existence and implemented a minimum of 1 year before the accreditation application:

-       The exit level of the language program must be at the B1+ CEFR level at a minimum. This condition is also applicable for language programs that provide education to faculties/departments that provide instruction partially in English.
-       Students in the program must receive instruction in line with their language level; all level transitions must be done in accordance with a system that assesses and evaluates student learning outcomes.
-       There must be an organizational chart that contains the units/commissions that belong to the administrative and academic units of the program.
-       There must be respective units/commissions formed in the areas of Program/Materials Development and Assessment present in the program.
-       The program must have been in existence for a minimum of three (3) years.

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