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DEDAK Quality Policy


The Association for Language Education, Evaluation and Accreditation (DEDAK) that primarily aims to enhance the quality of language education in Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has adopted the philosophy of continuous improvement and development of language education. In this respect, DEDAK will adhere to the following values in order to keep the service quality offered at the highest level.


Leadership value in terms of defining and implementing standards: DEDAK tries to do its best to pave the way by determining accepted standards in language teaching and management and ensuring that these standards reflect the current best practice in language teaching, learning and management.


Student-centered value: DEDAK is aware of the foreign language need in the country and provides consultancy to provide education in accordance with the needs of students in higher education.


Respect for diversity value: DEDAK respects the diversity of missions, goals and models of language programs and institutions. It respects each program and institution to develop different methods and approaches in accordance with its own educational philosophy.


Support value: DEDAK supports every institution that strives to be accredited to meet the criteria.


Promoting continuous improvement, development and learning value: DEDAK believes that it contributes to the development of a language program with the standards it brings to language teaching and the accreditation process. It encourages the directors, trainers and staff of the program or institution to be involved in the process. In addition, DEDAK benefits from both its own activities and performance and the experiences of other similar institutions. DEDAK supports and encourages the employees in the institutions that pass the accreditation process by means of creating an environment for their development, realization and use of their potential.


Honesty and ethical behavior value: DEDAK promises to be honest with the institutions and individuals it serves. During the accreditation process, it displays an open, transparent, accountable, respectful, consistent and fair attitude. Site visitors, commission members and staff adhere to ethical principles. They act professionally, avoiding conflict of interest within the framework of DEDAK Code of Ethics.


Cooperative value: DEDAK believes in the importance of cooperation in the inspection and decision-making processes of a program. It pays attention to working with experts in the field during the self-evaluation and inspection stages. DEDAK seeks and develops cooperation opportunities with national and international organizations. For a sustainable cooperation, it is essential to have shared goals among cooperation partners, to share expertise, resources and information, to work together and to establish a relationship based on mutual trust, respect and openness.

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