What is Language Accreditation?
Accreditation is a comprehensive and continuous self-evaluation process that a language education institution performs in educational education on a voluntary basis.
In order for the self-evaluation to be objective, the studies are evaluated by experts, who have passed through this process and who have been trained, independent of the institution or program being evaluated.
Evaluation is made according to certain criteria. New arrangements may be requested from the institution/program when deemed necessary.
Accreditation helps all stakeholders to focus on the mission and vision, reinforces the transparency and commitment of the institution, and balances personal goals and organizational balances.
Accreditation enhances continuous improvement and total quality awareness.
What is not Language Accreditation?
The institution/program determines its goals,
The institution/program has to abide by the laws and regulations while choosing the methods it follows in reaching its target, considering the current conditions,
Administrators are obliged to follow a transparent policy towards all staff, students, and third parties,
Transparency should be accessible to everyone, with all oral and written sources.
Institutions/Programs that receive language accreditation do not have to achieve the same outputs,
Institutions/Programs do not have to recognize each other's in-house language proficiency exams,
Institutions/Programs abroad may not accept language proficiency exams
Advantages of Language Accreditation
Language accreditation helps all stakeholders to focus on the mission and vision, reinforces the transparency and commitment of the institution, and balances personal and organizational goals. Besides, accreditation has a guiding feature in order for the institution to see its current opportunities, obstacles, strengths, and weaknesses and to make the necessary arrangements. This is reinforced by the self-study process of the institution, thus increasing the educational quality, transparency, reliability, and prestige of the institution.
The gains of accreditation to its stakeholders can be summarized as follows.
• have the opportunity to regularly evaluate the benefits of existing practices and changes made.
• evaluate the capability of the program in terms of continuity of mission and goals.
• ensure that the applications in the program are kept up to date with research and applications.
• involve lecturers and staff in achieving the goals of the program.
Instructors and Lecturers
• participate in an ongoing process to ensure the quality of the program.
• evaluate their own teaching methods and professional engagement.
• gain knowledge on subjects outside of their own classes/lessons.
• check whether the curriculum is tailored to their needs.
• are convinced that the evaluation criteria are reliable and valid.
• give feedback on whether the auxiliary units provide quality service.
• compare the service offered by the program/institution with the service it provides.
Other Stakeholders
• access correct information thanks to the transparency of the institution.
• make a choice by knowing what the program/institution has to offer.
• evaluate and compare themselves.